Clinical Education

About Our Clinical Education
Aurora House Education Center for Palliative Care (AHEC-PC) became a reality in 2010, thanks to a generous benefactor and grants from the Meadows Foundation, Knapp Community Care Foundation and Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation.
Our educational programs provide both didactic and clinical learning for nurses and nursing students throughout the Rio Grande Valley, graduate-level internships for social work, and clinical/laboratory credit hours for high school students.
Our Education Center has provided programming to over 5000 students from eight different institutions, ranging from high school to masters-level students, in areas of nursing, rehabilitation, music therapy, social work, and other related healthcare professions.
Sessions are available Spring and Fall semesters. If your school is interested in clinical rotations, please call Aurora House at 956-973-9690 for scheduling. A minimum of 2 weeks prior notice is recommended. Availability will vary depending on class size, intensity level, and personnel.